Optimizing a multi-echelon supply chain network flow using nonlinear fuzzy multi-objective integer programming: Genetic algorithm approach

Hessam Z and Mohammad Ali Afshari

The aim of this paper is to present mathematical models optimizing all materials flows in supply chain. In this research a fuzzy multi-objective nonlinear mixed- integer programming model with piecewise linear membership function is applied to design a multi echelon supply chain network (SCN) by considering total transportation costs and capacities of all echelons with fuzzy objectives. The model that is proposed in this study has 4 fuzzy functions. The first function is minimizing the total transportation costs between all echelons (suppliers, factories, distribution centers (DCs) and customers). The second one is minimizing holding and ordering cost on DCs. The third objective is minimizing the unnecessary and unused capacity of factories and DCs via decreasing variance of transported amounts between echelons. The forth is minimizing the number of total vehicles that ship the materials and products along with SCN. For solving such a problem, as nodes increases in SCN, the traditional method does not have ability to solve large scale problem. So, we applied a Meta heuristic method called Genetic Algorithm. The numerical example is real world applied and compared the results with each other demonstrate the feasibility of applying the proposed model to given problem, and also its advantages are discussed.

DOI: j.msl.2012.06.036

Keywords: Supply chain management ,Supply chain network ,Genetic algorithm ,Multi echelon ,Fuzzy theory

How to cite this paper:

Z, H & Afshari, M. (2012). Optimizing a multi-echelon supply chain network flow using nonlinear fuzzy multi-objective integer programming: Genetic algorithm approach.Management Science Letters, 2(6), 1871-1884.


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Appendix( Membership functions for echelons)

Non-increasing linear membership function for DC


Non-increasing linear membership function for first Manufacturer’s fuzzy capacity


Non-increasing linear membership function for first supplier