A hybrid model of QFD, SERVQUAL and KANO to increase bank's capabilities

Mohsen Kashi, Mohammad Ali Astanbous, Mojtaba Javidnia and Hasan Rajabi

In global market, factors such as precedence of competitors extending shave on market, promoting quality of services and identifying customers' needs are important. This paper attempts to identify strategic services in one of the biggest governmental banks in Iran called Melli bank for getting competition merit using Kano and SERVQUAL compound models and to extend operation quality and to provide suitable strategies. The primary question of this paper is on how to introduce high quality services in this bank. The proposed model of this paper uses a hybrid of three quality-based methods including SERVQUAL, QFD and Kano models. Statistical society in this article is all clients and customers of Melli bank who use this banks' services and based on random sampling method, 170 customers were selected. The study was held in one of provinces located in west part of Iran called Semnan. Research findings show that Melli banks' customers are dissatisfied from the quality of services and to solve this problem the bank should do some restructuring to place some special characteristics to reach better operation at the heed of its affairs. The characteristics include, in terms of their priorities, possibility of transferring money by sale terminal, possibility of creating wireless pos, accelerating in doing bank works, getting special merits to customers who use electronic services, eliminating such bank commission, solving problems in least time as disconnecting system, possibility of receiving foreign exchange by ATM and suitable parking in city.

DOI: j.msl.2012.06.029

Keywords: SERVQUAL ,Kano ,QFD ,Banking system

How to cite this paper:

Kashi, M., Astanbous, M., Javidnia, M & Rajabi, H. (2012). A hybrid model of QFD, SERVQUAL and KANO to increase bank's capabilities.Management Science Letters, 2(6), 1931-1938.


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