An empirical survey to measure the impact of different factors on the success of electronic marketing

Saeed Sehhat

Internet marketing plays an important role in today business enterprises. Today, many firms invest more and more to increase their abilities on providing better services on the internet. In this paper, we study the impact of five factors namely awareness from the site, site attractiveness, promotional effectiveness, effectiveness and shopping impacts and effectiveness and loyalty on the success of electronic marketing. We have distributed a questionnaire consists of various questions and distributed them among 984 people and received 595 in Likert scale. The Cronbach alphas for all five sets of questions were well above the minimum desired level. We implement a multi regression function and the results confirm that all five mentioned factors impact the sales of e-marketing, significantly.

DOI: j.msl.2012.05.029

Keywords: Electronic marketing ,Customer loyalty ,Promotional plans ,Customer retention

How to cite this paper:

Sehhat, S. (2012). An empirical survey to measure the impact of different factors on the success of electronic marketing.Management Science Letters, 2(6), 2187-2192.


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