The role of information technology on developing free zone markets

Naser Azad and Yahya Rostamnya

Information technology (IT) plays an important role on developing different markets. Today, people can easily purchase goods from different stores using varieties of IT based facilities such as POS, ATM, etc. These devices help customers literally carry significant amount of money without bothering about any possible threat. In this paper, we study the impact of IT on developing businesses located mainly on free zones or in the borders of countries. We have distributed 300 questionnaires consists of 35 questions among different people and build structural equations using 28 variables. The results are analyzed using LISREL software package and they are grouped in five different groups including management, social and cultural, organizational, technical and investment factors. Chi-square represents a relatively high value, which means the null hypothesis can be rejected when All t-student represent meaningful values when the significance level is five percent. The results indicate that all these factors influence IT development, significantly.

DOI: j.msl.2012.01.027

Keywords: Information technology ,Marketing planning ,LISREL ,Factor analysis

How to cite this paper:

Azad, N & Rostamnya, Y. (2012). The role of information technology on developing free zone markets.Management Science Letters, 2(3), 1017-1022.


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