A study of effects of intellectual apital on organizational performance: A case study of Keshavarzi bank branch in Semnan, Iran

AliAkbar Aminbeidokhti and Sadegh Darvishkhadem

The new millennium is started with rapid growth on knowledge and investment and these two items play essential role to create and increase organizational value. Intellectual capital is often described as intangible assets for moving towards sustainable growth in values. Some studies indicate there is a meaningful correlation between intellectual capital and organizations performance. The goal of this research is to examine of this case in Iran and in one of the biggest and most important province of country, Semnan and in one of its professional banks named Bank of Keshavarzi. In order to collect data, a psychological questionnaire is used based on an already existed version in the literature, which have been successfully implemented in Canada and Malaysia. Cronbach Alpha was used to validate the data by considering importance of statistical sample in this study. A random sampling method was used and 188 professional personnel of Bank in five province were selected to answer the questionnaire. Results show a meaningful relation between components of intellectual capital but this unity and relationship was not confirmed between these components and organizational performance. The highest effect is associated with organizations performance and costumer capital and the lowest effect is associated with human investment.

DOI: j.msl.2012.01.021

Keywords: Intellectual capital ,Human capital ,Structure capital ,Organizations performance ,Client capital ,Iran Keshavarzi Bank

How to cite this paper:

Aminbeidokhti, A & Darvishkhadem, S. (2012). A study of effects of intellectual apital on organizational performance: A case study of Keshavarzi bank branch in Semnan, Iran.Management Science Letters, 2(3), 971-978.


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