A conceptual model for empowering bank's human resources: A case study of Tejarat bank of Iran

Seyed Hossein Abtahi and Mohammad Reza Saadi

In this paper, we study the impact of structural factors on empowering employee in banking sector. The proposed study of this paper selects 1859 employees who work in 11 different areas of an Iranian bank called Tejarat. The proposed study of this paper discusses the finding associated with two departments of engineering and administration. Using a standard questionnaire, we gather the necessary data and the results are validated using Cronbach Alpha and factor analysis. We have used five different regression techniques to analyze the data and independent variables include complexity, formality and concentration. In addition, the dependent variables include self-effectiveness, self-organization, meaningful, self-acceptance and trust. The results indicate there is no correlation among structural components in engineering and administration areas.


Keywords: Empowering employee ,Self-effectiveness ,Self-organization ,Self-acceptance

How to cite this paper:

Abtahi, S & Saadi, M. (2012). A conceptual model for empowering bank's human resources: A case study of Tejarat bank of Iran.Management Science Letters, 2(3), 979-988.


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