Examining the organizational citizenship behavior as the outcome of organizational commitment: Case study of universities in Ilam

Meysam Mirabizadeh and Sajad Gheitasi

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is one of the most important factors on improving the efficiency of organizations. The proposed study of this paper investigates the relative importance of OCB in different universities located in the province of Ilam, Iran. The study distributes 220 questionnaires, collects 199 and analyzes them using LISREL software package. There are four hypotheses associated with this survey and the results indicate that educational opportunities, work-life policy, empowerment activities have strong positive relationship on organizational commitment and organizational commitment also influences organizational citizenship behavior, accordingly.

DOI: j.msl.2012.01.016

Keywords: Organizational citizenship behavior ,Organizational Commitment LISREL

How to cite this paper:

Mirabizadeh, M & Gheitasi, S. (2012). Examining the organizational citizenship behavior as the outcome of organizational commitment: Case study of universities in Ilam.Management Science Letters, 2(3), 951-960.


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