Stakeholder approach, Stakeholders mental model: A visualization test with cognitive mapping technique

Garoui Nassreddine and Jarboui Anis

The idea of this paper is to determine the mental models of actors in the firm with respect to the stakeholder approach of corporate governance. The use of the cognitive map to view these diagrams to show the ways of thinking and conceptualization of the stakeholder approach. The paper takes a corporate governance perspective, discusses stakeholder model. It takes also a cognitive mapping technique.

DOI: j.msl.2012.01.012

Keywords: Corporate governance ,Stakeholder model ,Cognitive mapping

How to cite this paper:

Nassreddine, G & Anis, J. (2012). Stakeholder approach, Stakeholders mental model: A visualization test with cognitive mapping technique.Management Science Letters, 2(2), 439-456.


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Fig. Direct infuences graph Fig. Direct potential influences graph

Fig. Indirect influences graph Fig. Indirect potential influences graph