Investigating important factors influencing purchasing from chains

Naser Azad

In this paper, we survey important factors, influencing customers to buy more from one of well known food market operating in capital city of Iran named Shahrvand. The survey studies the effects of six factors including customer's perception, persuasive factors, brand, customers' expectations, product's characteristics and special features of store on attracting more customers. We have distributed questionnaire among 196 customers who regularly visit stores and analyzed details of the data. The results indicate that customers' perception is the most important item, which includes eight components. Years of experience is the most important item in our survey followed by impact of color and working hours. Diversity of services is another factor, which plays the most important role followed by quality of services. Next, fidelity and brand are other most important factors and the name of store and risk are in lower degree of importance.

DOI: j.msl.2011.12.015

Keywords: Advertisement ,Chain stores ,Marketing planning ,Shahrvand stores

How to cite this paper:

Azad, N. (2012). Investigating important factors influencing purchasing from chains.Management Science Letters, 2(3), 805-810.


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