Investigating effective factors on multimedia advertising: A case study of travel agencies

Naser Azad, Seyed Mohsen Seyed Aliakbar

Advertisement plays an important role on increasing sales and organizations normally spend significant amount of cost in an attempt to increase profitability. A productive advertisement normally involves various factors and we need to determine the most important ones, very carefully. In this paper, we use a questionnaire-based survey to find the most important factors influencing advertisement. In this paper, we focus on gathering information from the advertisement providers to assess each advertisement plan. The proposed study of this paper uses factor analysis to determine 15 most important factors, which include 42 variables.


Keywords: Media Advertisement ,Travel agencies ,Effectiveness ,Effective parameters

How to cite this paper:

Azad, N., Aliakbar, S & Iran, D. (2012). Investigating effective factors on multimedia advertising: A case study of travel agencies.Management Science Letters, 2(1), 409-416.


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