Design and explanation of organizational excellence model in home appliances industry

Seyed Abbas Kazemi, Gholamhossein Nikokar, Jamshid Salehi Sadaghiani and Majid Rahimimazraehshahi

Home appliances are considered as one of low margin and competitive industry in the world. This industry often needs significant amount of investment and resources and it often faces with some challenges during economic crises. In this paper, we present a framework for organizational excellence to detect any possible problems in home appliances industry. The proposed framework of this paper is used for a real-world case study of Iranian home appliances. The results of our survey indicate that there are four major dimensions involved with this industry including facilities, knowledge and skills, environment and vision. There are three criteria associated with facilities with 30 indexes, 14 criteria associated with knowledge and skills with 144 indexes, three criteria involved with environment with 33 indexes and five criteria linked with vision with 53 indexes. Therefore, home appliances in our case study needs 4 dimensions for achieving the organizational excellence.

DOI: j.msl.2011.07.002

Keywords: Home appliances ,Organizational excellence ,EFQM ,TQM ,LISREL

How to cite this paper:

Kazemi, S., Nikokar, G., Sadaghiani, J & Rahimimazraehshahi, M. (2012). Design and explanation of organizational excellence model in home appliances industry.Management Science Letters, 2(1), 403-408.


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