Volume 3 Issue 4 pp. 525-534 Summer, 2012

A parallel machine extension to aversion dynamics scheduling

Gary W. Black and Kenneth N. McKay

The aversion dynamics research agenda has incorporated within dispatching heuristics a number of real-world observations involving risk mitigation practices used by real schedulers. One such observation is that schedulers occasionally offload risky jobs from a primary machine to otherwise less desirable machine (older, slower) during periods of peak load to avoid the effects the risky job can have on subsequent jobs. This paper examines this situation within the proportional parallel machine environment. Safety time is used to adjust dispatching priorities of risky jobs to reflect the aversion. The effect of various safety time values on performance is studied. Robust safety time values and/or intervals are identified across a variety of experimental factors related to risk level, percent risky jobs in the job stream, and due date distribution.

DOI: 10.5267/j.ijiec.2012.03.002

Keywords: Aversion dynamics, Scheduling, Risk mitigation, Safety time, Job re-sequencing


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