Volume 3 Issue 3 pp. 519-524 Spring, 2012

A note on “An alternative multiple attribute decision making methodology for solving optimal facility layout design selection problems”

R. Venkata Rao

A paper published by Maniya and Bhatt (2011) (An alternative multiple attribute decision making methodology for solving optimal facility layout design selection problems, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61, 542-549) proposed an alternative multiple attribute decision making method named as “Preference Selection Index (PSI) method” for selection of an optimal facility layout design. The authors had claimed that the method was logical and more appropriate and the method gives directly the optimal solution without assigning the relative importance between the facility layout design selection attributes. This note discusses the mathematical validity and the shortcomings of the PSI method.

DOI: 10.5267/j.ijiec.2012.01.002

Keywords: Facility layout design, Multiple attribute decision making, Preference selection index


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