Volume 2 Issue 4 pp. 851-862 Fall, 2011

A robust moving average iterative weighting method to analyze the effect of outliers on the response surface design

Mehdi Bashiri and Amir Moslemi
The paper discusses about the effect of outliers and trends on the response surface design fitted to the experiments results. The common way to analyze the response surface is to fit the polynomial regression to the response variable by ordinary least square method and to find the significant controllable variables by ANOVA. In this case, the outliers can have confusing effect on the regression model, which derives the experiment results and lead to wrong interpretation of the data. The proposed moving average iterative method (MAIW) of this paper is a robust approach to decrease the effect of these faulty points by considering the previous data to detect the outliers or detect the probable trends in residuals. The iterative weighting method is used to estimate the coefficients of the regression model and a numerical example illustrates the proposed approach.

DOI: 10.5267/j.ijiec.2011.05.001

Keywords: Response surface design, Ordinary least square, Outliers, Moving average method

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