
Tomasz Zaborowski University of Warsaw, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, Poland
Email: t.zaborowski@uw.edu.pl

Tomasz Zaborowski

Gielen, D. M., Ossowicz, T., & Zaborowski, T. P. (2022). Failure and opportunities of public value capture and developer obligations in Polish urban development. Miscellanea Geographica, 26(1), 15-30.

Zaborowski, T. (2021). It’s all about details. Why the polish land policy framework fails to manage designation of developable land. Land, 10(9), 890.

Zaborowski, T. (2020). Factors of Divergence between Peripheral and Central Subregions: The Case of Mazovia Province, Poland. Quaestiones Geographicae, 39(4), 39-51.

Gielen, D. M., Ossowicz, T., & Zaborowski, T. (2019). Poland: Ban on conditioning the land-use plan to developer obligations diminishes their effectiveness. In Public Infrastructure, Private Finance (pp. 81-90). Routledge.

Zaborowski, T. (2018). Land acquisition and land value capture instruments as determinants of public urban infrastructure provision: A comparison of the Polish legal framework with its German counterpart. Geographia Polonica, 91(3), 353-369.

Zaborowski, T. (2014). Suburbanization in the light of sustainable spatial development principles. Suburbanization Versus Peripheral Sustainability of Rural-Urban Areas Fringes; Czerny, M., Hoyos Castillo, G., Eds, 1-38.