X. F. Li, Editorial member
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Central South University Changsha, China
Email: xfli@csu.edu.cn
Tel: +86-731-8816 7070 Fax: +86-731-8557 1736


Wu JX, Li XF*, W.D. Cao. Flexural waves in multi-walled carbon nanotubes using gradient elasticity beam theory. Comput. Mater. Sci. 67(1), 188-195, 2013.

Li XF, Tang AY, Xi LY. Vibration of a Rayleigh cantilever beam with axial force and tip mass. J. Constr. Steel Res. 80(1), 15-22, 2013.

Huang Y, Luo QZ, Li XF*. Transverse waves propagating in carbon nanotubes via a higher-order nonlocal beam model. Compos. Struct. 95(1), 328-336, 2013.

Li XF, Kang YA, Wu JX. Exact frequency equations of free vibration of exponentially functionally graded beams. Applied Acoustics. 74(3), 413-420, 2013.

H. Rokni, R.J. Seethaler, A.S. Milani, S. Hosseini-Hashemi, X.F. Li. Analytical closed-form solutions for size-dependent static pull-in behavior in electrostatic micro-actuators via Fredholm integral equation. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 190 (1), 32–43, 2013.

H. Wang, X.F. Li*, G.J. Tang, Z.B. Shen. Effect of surface stress on stress intensity factors of a nanoscale crack via double cantilever beam model. J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 13(1), 477-482, 2013.

L.Y. Xi, X.F. Li*, G.J. Tang. Free vibration of standing and hanging gravity-loaded Rayleigh cantilevers. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 66(1), 233-238, 2013.

Shen ZB, Li XF, Sheng LP, Tang GJ*. Transverse vibration of nanotube-based micro-mass sensor via nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory. Comput. Mater. Sci. 53, 340–346, 2012.

Shen J. Wu JX, Song J, Li XF*, Lee KY. Flexural waves of carbon nanotubes based on generalized gradient elasticity. Phys. Status Solidi B 249(1), 50-57, 2012.

Wu JX, Li XF*, Tang GJ. Bending wave propagation of carbon nanotubes in a bi-parameter elastic matrix. Phys. B 407(4), 684-688, 2012.

Li XF, Lee KY, Tang GJ. Kink angle and fracture load for an angled crack subjected to far-field compressive loading. Eng. Fract. Mech. 82(1), 172-184, 2012.

Shen ZB, Tang GJ*, Zhang L, Li XF. Vibration of double-walled carbon nanotube based nanomechanical sensor with initial axial stress. Comput. Mater. Sci. 58, 51–58, 2012.

Li XF, Tang GJ, Shen ZB, Lee KY. Vibration of nonclassical shear beams with Winkler-Pasternak-type restraint. Acta Mech. 223(5), 953-966, 2012.

Y.J. Lei, J.B. Duan*, D.K. Li, X.F. Li. Crack problems in a viscoelastic medium using enriched finite element method. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 58(1), 34-46, 2012.

Peng XL, Li XF*. Elastic analysis of rotating functionally graded polar orthotropic disks. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 60(1), 84-91, 2012.

Peng XL, Li XF*. Effects of gradient on stress distribution in rotating functionally graded solid disks. J. Mech. Sci. Tech. 26(5), 1483-1492, 2012.

Jingbo Duan, Xianfang Li, Yongjun Lei. A note on stress intensity factors for a crack emanating from a sharp V-notch. Eng. Fract. Mech. 90, 180-187, 2012.

Huang Y, Li XF*. An analytic approach for exactly determining critical loads of buckling of non-uniform columns. Int. J. Struct. Stab. Dyn. 12(4), 1250027, 2012.

Li XF. A general solution of elasto-hydrodynamics of two-dimensional quasicrystals. Phil. Mag. Lett. 91(4), 313-320, 2011.

Huang Y, Li XF*. Buckling analysis of non-uniform and axially graded beams with varying flexural rigidity. ASCE J. Eng. Mech. 137(1), 73-81, 2011

Yan SX, Zhang ZP, Wei DJ, Li XF*. Bending vibration of rotating tapered cantilevers by the integral equation method. AIAA J 49(4), 872-876, 2011.

Li XF*, Xi LY, Huang Y. Stability analysis of composite columns and parameter optimization against buckling. Compos. Part B: Eng. 42(6), 1337-1345, 2011.

Li XF*, Yu ZW, Zhang H. Free vibration of shear beams with finite rotational inertia. J. Constr. Steel Res. 67(10), 1677-1683, 2011.

Huang L, Li XF, Zhao YL, Duan XY. Approximate solution of fractional integro-differential equations by Taylor expansion method. Comp. Math. Appl. 62(3), 1127-1134, 2011.

Huang Y, Li XF*. Interfacial waves in dissimilar piezoelectric cubic crystals with an imperfect bonding. IEEE Trans Ultra. Ferro, Freq. Contr. 58(6), 1261-1265, 2011.

Li XF, Wang BL, Tang GJ, Lee KY. Size effect in transverse mechanical behavior of one-dimensional nanostructures. Phys. E. 44(1), 207-214, 2011.

Shen ZB, Deng B, Li XF, Tang GJ. Vibration of double-walled carbon nanotube-based mass sensor via nonlocal timoshenko beam theory. ASME J. Nanotech. Eng. Med. 2(3) 031003.

Li XF, Peng XL, Lee KY*. Static response of functionally graded radially-polarized piezoelectric spherical shells as sensors and actuators. Smart Mater. Struct. 19(3), 035010, 2010.

Huang Y, Li XF*. A new approach for free vibration of axially functionally graded beams with non-uniform cross-section. J. Sound Vib. 329(11), 2291-2303, 2010.

Li XF*, Tang BQ, Peng XL, Huang Y. Influence of elastic T-stress on the growth direction of two parallel cracks. Struct. Eng. Mech. 34(3), 377-390, 2010.

Zhong XC, Li XF*. Diffraction of SH-waves by an interfacial crack between a magnetoelectroelastic solid and an elastic material. Mech. Adv. Mater. Struct. 17(2), 134-144, 2010.

Huang Y, Li XF*. Bending and vibration of circular cylindrical beams with arbitrary radial nonhomogeneity. Int. J. Mech. Sci. 52(4), 595-601, 2010.

Peng XL, Li XF*. Thermal stress in rotating functionally graded hollow circular disks. Compos. Struct. 92(8), 1896-1904, 2010.

Peng XL, Li XF*. Transient response of temperature and thermal stresses in a functionally graded hollow cylinder. J. Thermal Stresses 33(5), 485-500, 2010.

Huang Y, Li XF*. Approximate solution of a class of linear integro-differential equations by Taylor expansion method. Int. J. Comput. Math. 87(6), 1277-1288, 2010.

Huang Y, Li XF*. Buckling of functionally graded circular columns including shear deformation. Mater. Des. 31(7), 3159-3166, 2010.

Peng XL, Li XF*. Thermoelastic analysis of a cylindrical vessel of functionally graded materials. Int. J. Press. Vessels Piping. 87(5), 203-210, 2010.

Kang YA, Li XF*. Large deflections of a non-linear cantilever functionally graded beam. J. Reinf. Plast. Compos. 29(12), 1761-1774, 2010.

Li XF, Peng XL, Lee KY*. Radially polarized functionally graded piezoelectric hollow cylinders as sensors and actuators. Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids 29(4), 704-713, 2010.

Huang Y, Li XF*. Shear waves guided by the imperfect interface of two magnetoelectric materials. Ultrasonic. 50(8), 750-757, 2010.

Li XF, Wang BL, Han JC. A higher-order theory for static and dynamic analyses of functionally graded beams. Arch. Appl. Mech. 80(10), 1197-1212, 2010.

Song J, Shen J, Li XF*. Effects of initial axial stress on waves propagating in carbon nanotubes using a generalized nonlocal model. Comput. Mater. Sci. 49(3), 518-523, 2010.

Wei DJ, Yan SX, Zhang ZP, Li XF*. Critical load for buckling of non-prismatic bars under self-weight and tip force. Mech. Res. Comm. 37(6), 554-558, 2010.

Li XF*, Xi LY, Huang Y. Buckling load of tapered fibers subjected to distributed axial load. Fibers & Polymers 11(8), 1193-1197, 2010.

Li XF, Wang BL, Lee KY*. Size effect in the mechanical response of nanobeams. J. Adv. Res. Mech. Eng. 1(1), 4-16, 2010.

Li XF, Wang BL*. Vibrational modes of Timoshenko beams at small scales. Appl. Phys. Lett. 94(10), 101903, 2009.

Li XF*, Wang BL, Lee KY. Size effects of the bending stiffness of nanowires. J. Appl. Phys. 105(7), 074306, 2009.

Li XF, Liu GL, Lee KY*. Magnetoelectroelastic field induced by a crack terminating at the interface of a bi-magnetoelectric material. Phil. Mag. 89(5), 449-463, 2009.

Huang Y, Li XF*, Lee KY. Interfacial shear horizontal (SH) waves propagating in a two-phase piezoelectric/piezomagnetic structure with an imperfect interface. Phil. Mag. Lett. 89(2), 95-103, 2009.

Zhong XC, Li XF*, Lee KY. Analysis of a mode I crack perpendicular to an imperfect interface. Int. J. Solids Struct. 46(6), 1456-1463, 2009.

Huang Y, Fang M, Li XF*. Approximate solution of a system of linear integral equations by the Taylor expansion method. Int. J. Comput. Math. 86(5), 924-937, 2009.

Zhong XC, Li XF*, Lee KY. Transient response of a cracked magnetoelectric material under the action of in-plane sudden impacts. Comput. Mater. Sci. 45(4), 905-911, 2009.

Li XF*, Peng XL. A pressurized functionally graded hollow cylinder with arbitrarily varying material properties. J. Elasticity 96(1), 81-95, 2009.

Li XF*, Lee KY. Closed-form solution for an orthotropic elastic strip with a crack perpendicular to the edges under arbitrary anti-plane shear. ZAMM 89(5), 370-382, 2009.

Zhong XC, Liu F, Li XF*. Transient response of a magnetoelectroelastic solid with two collinear dielectric cracks under impacts. Int. J. Solids Struct. 46(14-15), 2950-2958, 2009.

Kang YA, Li XF*. Bending of functionally graded cantilever beam with power-law non-linearity subjected to an end force. Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 44(6), 696-703, 2009.

Peng XL, Li XF*, Lee KY. Interface crack problem of functionally graded piezoelectric materials: effects of the position of electromechanical impact and gradient. Acta Mech. 207(1-2), 69-82, 2009.

Li XF*, Peng XL, Kang YA. Pressurized hollow spherical vessels with arbitrary radial nonhomogeneity. AIAA J. 47(9), 2262-2265, 2009.

Peng XL, Li XF*. Transient response of the crack-tip field in a magnetoelectroelastic half-space with a functionally graded coating under impacts. Arch. Appl. Mech. 79(12), 1099-1113, 2009.

Peng XL, Li XF*. Thermoelastic analysis of a functionally graded annulus with an arbitrary gradient. Appl. Math. Mech. 30(10), 1211-1220, 2009.

Li XF*, Liu GL, Lee KY. Effects of T-stresses on fracture initiation for a closed crack in compression with frictional crack faces. Int. J. Fract. 160(1), 19-30, 2009.

Wang BL*, Li XF. Electrode mechanics of piezoelectric materials. Sci. Adv. Mater. 1(2), 153-166, 2009.

Li XF, Wang BL, Mai YW. Effects of a surrounding elastic medium on flexural waves propagating in carbon nanotubes via nonlocal elasticity. J. Appl. Phys. 103(7), 074309, 2008.

Li XF, Peng XL. Theoretical analysis of surface stress for a microcantilever with varying width. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41(6), 065301, 2008.

Zhong XC, Li XF*, T-stress analysis for a Griffith crack in a magnetoelectroelastic solid. Arch. Appl. Mech. 78(2), 117-125, 2008.

Duan XY, Li XF*. Energy release rate of interface delamination between a thin coating and an elastic substrate. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B. 22(4), 407-416, 2008.

Zhong XC, Li XF*, Fracture analysis of a magnetoelectroelastic solid with a penny-shaped crack by considering the effects of the opening crack interior. Int. J. Eng. Sci. 46(4), 374-390, 2008.

Li XF, Huang L, Huang Y. A new Abel inversion by means of the integrals of an input function with noise. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40(2), 347-360, 2007.

Li XF, Xu L R. T-stresses across static crack kinking. ASME J. Appl. Mech. 74(2), 181-190, 2007.

Li XF. Dynamic T-stress for a mode-I crack in an infinite elastic plane. ASME J. Appl. Mech. 74(2), 378-381, 2007.

Li XF, Wang BL Anti-plane shear crack normal to and terminating at the interface of two bonded piezoelectric ceramics. Int. J. Solids Struct. 44(11-12), 3796-3810, 2007.

Li XF, Fan TY. Dynamic analysis of a crack in a functionally graded material sandwiched between two elastic layers under anti-plane loading. Composite Structures, 79(2), 211-219, 2007.

Li XF Approximate solution of linear ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients. Math. Comput. Simul. 75(3-4), 113-125, 2007.

Li XF, Guo SH. Strain incompatibility between dissimilar piezoceramics with a penny-shaped interfacial electrode. Mech. Mater. 39(11), 977-986, 2007.

Li XF and Lee KY. Elastic response of a piezoelectric ceramic plate with two penny-shaped electrodes at the opposite surfaces under an electric load. J. Intell. Mater. Sys. Struct. 18(7), 743-751, 2007.

Li XF, Lee K Y, Dynamic COD of a mode III edge crack in a semi-infinite piezoceramic strip under electric excitation. Proc. of Inst. Mech. Eng., Part C, J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 221(9), 1009-1017, 2007.

Tang BQ, Li XF*. A new method for determining the solution of Riccati differential equations Appl. Math. Comp. 194(2), 431-440, 2007.

Zhong XC, Li XF*. Magnetoelectroelastic analysis for an opening crack in a piezoelectromagnetic solid. Eur J. Mech. /A Solids. 26(3), 405-417, 2007.

Li XF T-stress near the tips of a cruciform crack with unequal arms. Eng. Fract. Mech. 73(6), 671-683, 2006.

Li XF Effects of an elastic substrate on the interfacial adhesion of thin films. Surf. Coat. Tech. 200(16-17), 5003-5006, 2006.

Li XF, Xu L Roy. Transient response of a finite bimaterial plate containing a crack perpendicular to and terminating at the interface. ASME J. Appl. Mech. 73(4), 544-554, 2006.

Li XF, Duan X.Y. An interfacially-cracked orthotropic rectangular bi-material subjected to antiplane shear loading. Appl. Math. Comp. 174(2), 1060-1079, 2006.

Li XF, Lee K Y Transient response of a semi-infinite piezoelectric layer with a surface permeable crack. ZAMP 57(4), 636-651, 2006.

Li XF, Guo SH. Effects of nonhomogeneity on dynamic stress intensity factors for an anti-plane interface crack in a functionally graded material bonded to an elastic semi-strip. Comput. Mater. Sci. 38(2), 432-441, 2006.

Li XF Electroelastic field induced by thin interface electrodes between two bonded dissimilar piezoelectric ceramics. Sci. in China G: Phys. Mech. & Astro. 49(5), 526-539, 2006.

Li XF and Fang M. Modified method for determining approximate solution of Fredholm-Volterra integral equations by Taylor's expansion. Int. J. Comput. Math. 83(8-9), 637-649, 2006.

Li XF On approximate analytic expressions for the velocity of Rayleigh waves. Wave Motion. 44(2), 120-127, 2006.

Li XF, Yang J S. Piezoelectric gap waves between a piezoceramic half-space and a piezoceramic plate. Sensors & Actuators: A. Phys. 132(2), 472-479, 2006.

Zhong XC, Li XF* Closed-form solution for an eccentric anti-plane shear crack normal to the edges of a magnetoelectroelastic strip. Acta Mech. 186(1-4), 1-15, 2006.

Zhong XC, Li XF* A finite length crack propagating along the interface of two dissimilar magnetoelectroelastic materials. Int. J. Eng. Sci. 44(18-19), 1394-1407, 2006.

Jiang SN, Jiang Q, Li XF, Guo SH, Zhou HG, Yang JS. Piezoelectromagnetic waves in a ceramic plate between two ceramic half-spaces Int. J. Solids Struct. 43(18-19), 5799-5810, 2006.

Jiang S.N., Jiang Q., Hu Y.T., Li X.F, Guo S.H., Yang J.S. Analysis of a piezoelectric ceramic shell in thickness-shear vibration as a power harvester. Int. J. Appl. Electromagnet. Mech. 24(1-2), 25-31, 2006.

Li XF, Yang J.S., Jiang Q. Spatial dispersion of short surface acoustic waves in piezoelectric ceramics. Acta Mech. 180(1-4), 11-20, 2005.

Li XF and Lee K Y. A piezoelectric material with a periodic distribution of slant mode-III cracks. Mech. Mater. 37(1), 189-200, 2005.

Li XF Dynamic analysis of a cracked magnetoelectroelastic medium under antiplane mechanical and inplane electric and magnetic impacts. Int. J. Solids Struct. 42(11-12), 3185-3205, 2005.

Li XF and Yang JS. Effects of electromagnetic coupling on electromagetoelastic behavior induced by a crack under an impact. Int. J. Fract. 132(1), 49-64, 2005.

Li XF. Electroelastic analysis of a cracked piezoelectric ceramic strip sandwiched between two elastic dielectrics. Eur. J. Mech. A/Solids 24(1), 69-80, 2005.

Li XF. Two perfectly-bonded dissimilar orthotropic strips with an interfacial crack normal to the boundaries. Appl. Math. Comp. 163(2), 961-975, 2005, 166(1), 237-239, 2005.

Zhong X C, Li XF*. Closed-form solution for two collinear cracks in a piezoelectric strip. Mech. Res. Comm. 32(4), 401-410, 2005.

Jiang S N, Li XF, Guo, SH, Hu, YT, Yang, JS, Jiang Q. Performance of a piezoelectric bimorph for scavenging vibration energy. Smart Mater. Struct. 14(4), 769-774, 2005.

Li XF and Lee KY Effects of electric field on crack growth for a penny-shaped dielectric crack in a piezoelectric layer J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 52(9), 2079-2100, 2004.

Li XF and Lee KY Crack growth in a piezoelectric material with a Griffith crack perpendicular to the poling axis. Phil. Mag. 84(18), 1789-1820, 2004.

Li XF and Lee KY Three-dimensional electroelastic analysis of a piezoelectric material with a penny-shaped dielectric crack. ASME J. Appl. Mech. 71(6): 866-878, 2004.

Li XF and Lee KY Electric and elastic behaviors of a piezoelectric ceramic with a charged surface electrode. Smart Mater. Struct. 13(2), 424-432, 2004.

Li XF and Lee KY Fracture analysis of cracked piezoelectric materials. Int. J. Solids Struct. 41(15), 4137-4161, 2004.

Li XF and Lee KY Electroelastic behavior of a rectangular piezoelectric ceramic with an antiplane shear crack at arbitrary position. Euro. J. Mech. A/Solids 23(4), 645-658, 2004.

Li XF and Lee KY. Electro-elastic behavior induced by an external circular crack in a piezoelectric material. Int. J. Fract. 126(1), 17-38, 2004.

Li XF and Lee KY Dynamic behaviour of a piezoelectric ceramic layer with two surface cracks Int. J. Solids Struct. 41(11-12), 3193-3209, 2004.

Li XF and Tang GJ. Internal crack in a piezoelectric layer sandwiched between two elastic layers. Int. J. Appl. Electromagnet. Mat. 20(1): 11-28, 2004.

Li XF. and Tang GJ. Transient response of a piezoelectric ceramic strip with an eccentric crack under electromechanical impacts. Int. J. Solids Struct. 40(13-14), 3571-3588, 2003.

Li XF. and Tang GJ. Antiplane interface crack between two bonded dissimilar piezoelectric layers. Eur. J. Mech. A. 22(2), 231-242, 2003.

Li XF. and Tang GJ. Electroelastic analysis of an interface antiplane shear crack in a layered piezoelectric plate Int. J. Eng. Sci. 41(12), 1405-1422, 2003.

Li XF and Lee KY Discussion "On global energy release rate of a permeable crack in a piezoelectric ceramic" by S. Li (Transactions of the ASME J. Appl. Mech. 70, pp. 246-252, 2003) ASME J. Appl. Mech. 70(6), 930-930, 2003.

Li XF. Griffith crack moving in a piezoelectric strip. Arch. Appl. Mech. 72(10), 745-758, 2003.

Li XF. Closed-form solution for two collinear mode-III cracks in an orthotropic elastic strip of finite width. Mech. Res. Comm. 30(4): 365-370, 2003.

Li XF. and Tang GJ. Electroelastic analysis for a piezoelectric layer with surface electrodes. Mech. Res. Comm. 30(4): 345-351, 2003.

Li XF Electroelastic analysis of an internal interface crack in a half-plane consisting of two bonded dissimilar piezoelectric quarter-planes. Meccanica 38(3), 309-323, 2003.

Li XF and Duan XY. Comparison of dynamic response of a piezoelectric ceramic containing two parallel cracks via two methods of Laplace inversion. Int. J. Fract. 122(3-4): L131-L136, 2003.

Li XF. Electroelastic analysis of an anti-plane shear crack in a piezoelectric ceramic strip. Int. J. Solids Struct. 39(5): 1097-1117, 2002.

Li XF and Fan TY. Transient analysis of a piezoelectric strip with a permeable crack under anti-plane impact loads, Int. J. Eng. Sci. 40(2): 131-143, 2002.

Li XF and Tang G J. Antiplane permeable edge cracks in a piezoelectric strip of finite width. Int. J. Fract. 115(2): L45-L50, 2002.

Li XF, and Tang BQ. Effects of electric boundary conditions on electroelastic field in a cracked piezoelectric strip. Int. J. Fract. 118(1): L15-L21, 2002.

Li XF. Closed-form solution for a piezoelectric strip with two collinear cracks normal to the strip boundaries. Eur. J. Mech. A. 21(6): 981-988, 2002.

Li XF and Fan TY. Electroelastic field for an impermeable anti-plane shear crack in a piezoelectric ceramic plate. Appl. Math. Mech. 23(2): 194-202, 2002.

Li XF and Fan TY. Elastic analysis of a mode-II crack in a decagonal quasicrystal. Chin. Phys. 11(3): 266-271, 2002.

Li XF and Rong EQ. Solution of a class of two-dimensional integral equations. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 145(2): 335-343, 2002.

Li XF and Fan TY. The asymptotic stress field for a rigid circular inclusion at the interface of two bonded dissimilar elastic half-space materials. Int. J. Solids Struct. 38(44-45): 8019-8035, 2001.

Li XF. Closed-form solution for a mode-III interface crack between two bonded dissimilar elastic layers. Int. J. Fracture 109(2), L3-L8. 2001.

Li XF. Transient response of a piezoelectric material with a semi-infinite mode-III crack under impact loads. Int. J. Fracture 111(2), 119-130, 2001.

Li XF and Duan XY. Closed-form solution for a mode-III crack at the mid-plane of a piezoelectric layer. Mech. Res. Comm. 28(6): 703-710, 2001.

Li XF and Fan TY. Mode-III interface edge crack between two bonded dissimilar piezoelectric quarter-planes. Arch. Appl. Mech. 71(10), 703-714, 2001.

Li XF and Duan XY. Electroelastic analysis of a piezoelectric layer with electrodes Int. J. Fracture, 111(4), L73-L78, 2001.

Li XF and Duan XY. The interaction of a screw dislocation and a free boundary in a piezoelectric material. Physica Status Solidi (b). 227(2), 613-619, 2001.

Li XF, Fan TY and Wu XF. A moving mode-III crack at the interface between two dissimilar piezoelectric materials, Int. J. Eng. Sci. 38(11) 1219-1234, 2000.

Li XF. Dynamic response of a piezoelectric material with a conducting rigid inclusion. Meccanica, 35(5), 383-392, 2000.

Li XF and Fan TY. Semi-infinite anti-plane crack in a piezoelectric material, Int. J. Fracture, 102(3), L55-L60, 2000

Li XF, Fan TY and Sun YF. A decagonal quasicrystal with a Griffith crack, Phil. Mag. A, 79(8), 1943-1952, 1999

Li XF, Duan XY, Sun YF and Fan TY. Elastic field for a straight dislocation in a decagonal quasicrystal, J. Phys: Condens. Matter. 11(3), 703-711, 1999

Li XF and Fan TY. A straight dislocation in one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals, PhysicaStatus Solidi (b). 212(1), 19-27, 1999

Fan TY, Li XF, and Sun YF. A moving screw dislocation in one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals. Acta Physics (oversea edition), 8(4), 288-295, 1999.

Li XF, Sun YF and Fan TY. Elastic field of a straight dislocation in one-dimensional hexagonal quaiscrystals, J. Beijing Inst. Tech., 8(1), 65-70, 1999.

Li XF and Fan TY. New method for solving elasticity problems of some planar quasicrystals and solutions, Chin. Phys. Lett. 15(4), 278-280, 1998.

Li XF, Sun YF and Fan TY. On stress intensity factor for an arbitrary external crack, Int. J. Fracture, 90(1-2): L9-L14, 1998

Li XF and Fan TY. Fan, Stress intensity factor for an arbitrary planar crack by self-similar crack extension method, Int. J. Fracture, 90(4), L69-L74, 1998.

Li XF and Fan TY. A new photoelastic approach to determine stress intensity factors, Int. J. Fracture, 91(1), L3-L8, 1998