Editorial member

Sukumar Senthilkumar Vellore Institute of Technology-University

Sukumar Senthilkumar

Paul, G. C., Senthilkumar, S., & Pria, R. (2018). An efficient approach to forecast water levels owing to the interaction of tide and surge associated with a storm along the coast of Bangladesh. Ocean Engineering, 148, 516-529.

Paul, G. C., & Senthilkumar, S. (2016). Execution of novel explicit RKARMS (4, 4) technique in determining initial configurations of extra-solar protoplanets formed by disk instability. NRIAG Journal of Astronomy and Geophysics, 5(1), 1-8.

Paul, G. C., & SenthilKumar, S. (2015). Exploration on initial structures of extrasolar protoplanets via new explicit RKAHeM (4, 4) method. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 18(1), 1-8.

Kumar, S. S. (2014). Employing Different Types of Taylor-Like Methods for Image Processing and Initial Value Problems. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia, 3(1).

Ponalagusamy, R., & Senthilkumar, S. (2009). A new fourth order embedded RKAHeM (4, 4) method with error control on multilayer raster cellular neural network. Signal, image and video processing, 3(1), 1-11.

Ponalagusamy, R., & Senthilkumar, S. (2011). Investigation on time-multiplexing cellular neural network simulation by RKAHeM (4, 4) technique. International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 3(1), 43-66.

Ponalagusamy, R., & Senthilkumar, S. (2009). A new method of embedded fourth order with four stages to study raster CNN simulation. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 6(3), 285-294.

Ponalagusamy, R., & Senthilkumar, S. (2009). A new fourth order embedded RKAHeM (4, 4) method with error control on multilayer raster cellular neural network. Signal, image and video processing, 3(1), 1-11.

Ponalagusamy, R., & Senthilkumar, S. (2007). Multilayer Raster CNN Simulation by Arithmetic and Heronian Mean RKAHeM (4,4). IAENG Journal, Book and Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, World Congress of Engineering, ICSIE, 1, 713-718.

Ponalagusamy, R., & Senthilkumar, S. (2009). Time-Multiplexing CNN Simulation Using Limiting Formulas of RK (7, 8). Research Journal of Information Technology, 1(1), 1-16.

Ponalagusamy, R., & Senthilkumar, S. (2008). A comparison of RK-fourth orders of variety of means on multilayer raster CNN simulation. Trends in Applied Science and Research, 3(3), 242-252.

Ponalagusamy, R., & Senthilkumar, S. (2009). A new fourth order embedded RKAHeM (4, 4) method with error control on multilayer raster cellular neural network. Signal, image and video processing, 3(1), 1-11.

Ponalagusamy, R., & Senthilkumar, S. (2008). “Investigation on Raster CNN Simulation by Numerical Integration Algorithms. , Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computation, 67, 35-48.

Senthilkumar, S. (2008). RK Starters For Multistep Methods On Hole-Filler CNN Simulation. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 4(2), 170-177.

Senthilkumar, S. (2008). An Efficient Five Stage Fifth order Embedded Techniques for Connected Component Detector with Error Control. IJCSES, 2(4), 264.

Ponalagusamy, R., & Senthilkumar, S. (2007). An efficient numerical integration algorithm for time-multiplexing CNN simulation. IURS Journal on Unmanned Robotic Vehicles & Intelligent System, 1(1), 6-12.